Why Choose PleaseJustFixIt?

  • Lowest Price Guaranteed!
  • We Fix it, or You Don’t Pay!
  • Repair Guaranteed at Only $89.95 + Tax and parts cost if required
  • 100% US Based Technicians
  • 206-588-6349

Fast Friendly PC Repair

No matter what your computer problem, our friendly US Technicians can help You resolve your Issue right now with no upfront diagnostic fees! and for a Flat Rate of $89.95!

We Fix It or You Don't Pay
All services are guaranteed for a total of 30 days from date of service. You don’t pay a dime if we can’t fix your computer problem! You have nothing to lose.
100% Safe and Secure
Our Remote Screen sharing is top of the line, with the highest encryption there is.
All of our software and services are 100% guaranteed.
US Technicians
Our US based tech support uses the internet to connect remotely to your machine!, No more taking it to the shop for repair, We use software to interact with your screen as if we were sitting right in front of it while you watch!.